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Indicator 1
Presence of a PHC facility-based patient record system which includes NCD status
Presence of a PHC facility-based patient record system that includes NCD status:
- a.national
- b.subnational
- c.electronic
- d.paper-based
Presence or Absence
Indicator 2
Existence of a facility-level information system that includes CVD risk assessment, Diabetes, and Hypertension care
Existence of a facility-level information system that includes CVD risk assessment, Diabetes, and Hypertension care
Presence or Absence
- Basic Interventions of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Primary Health Care System of Iran (IraPEN): Behvarz Executive Instruction. (2017) Tehran. Mojasameh publication. (pages 8, 15, 18-19) [In Persian]
- Basic Interventions of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Primary Health Care System of Iran (IraPEN): Physician Executive Instruction. (2017) Tehran. Mojasameh publication. (pages 7-8) [In Persian]
- Health evolution Plan. Chapter 8 (pages: 573-5) [In Persian]
Indicator 3
Presence of regular national adult NCD risk factor surveillance, conducting assessments every 3 to 5 years (STEPS or other)
Presence of regular national adult NCD risk factor surveillance, conducting assessments every 3 to 5 years (STEPS or other)
Presence or Absence
- Atlas of Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factors Surveillance in the Islamic Republic of Iran – STEPs 2016 [English– Persian]
- STEPs archive is available at Iran National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Indicator 4
Existence of a PHC facility level register for patients with RF/RHD
Existence of a PHC facility level register for patients with RF/RHD
Presence or Absence
- List of Iran disease registries
- Assessing national capacity for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases: report of the 2019 global survey. ISBN: 978-92-4-000231-9 [In English] (Page:57)
Indicator 5
Are the NCDs among the national list of notifiable diseases?
Presence or Absence
Are the NCDs among the national list of notifiable diseases?
a. RHD
b. Cervical cancer
c. Colorectal cancer
d. Diabetes
- Cancers:
National Program for Early Cancer Diagnosis in Iran (2021), Mirmah publishing. ISBN: 9786003334496
- Diabetes (Absent)
Indicator 6
Percentage of facilities that provide the % of HTN patients
Percentage of facilities that provide the % of HTN patients
Presence or Absence
Numerator: Number of facilities that able to provide
– % or number of registered HTN patients disaggregated by age
– % or number of registered HTN patients disaggregated by gender
– % or number of undertreatment among patients registered
– % or number of patients controlled among patients undertreatment
Denominator: Total number of facilities
- Facility survey
Raw Data
Numerator | Denumerator | Percent | ||
Total | Disaggregated by age | 5991 | 5991 | 100% |
Disaggregated by gender | 5991 | 5991 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by treatment status | 5991 | 5991 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by control status | 5991 | 5991 | 100% | |
Urban | Disaggregated by age | 3202 | 3202 | 100% |
Disaggregated by gender | 3202 | 3202 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by treatment status | 3202 | 3202 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by control status | 3202 | 3202 | 100% | |
Rural | Disaggregated by age | 2789 | 2789 | 100% |
Disaggregated by gender | 2789 | 2789 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by treatment status | 2789 | 2789 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by control status | 2789 | 2789 | 100% |
Indicator 7
Percentage of facilities that provide the % of diabetic patients
Percentage of facilities that provide the % of diabetic patients
Presence or Absence
Numerator: Number of facilities that able to provide:
– % or number of registered Diabetes patients disaggregated by age
– % or number of registered Diabetes patients disaggregated by gender
– % or number of undertreatment among patients registered
– % or number of patients controlled among patients undertreatment
Denominator: Total number of facilities
- Facility survey
Raw Data
Numerator | Denumerator | Percent | ||
Total | Disaggregated by age | 5991 | 5991 | 100% |
Disaggregated by gender | 5991 | 5991 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by treatment status | 5991 | 5991 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by control status | 5991 | 5991 | 100% | |
Urban | Disaggregated by age | 3202 | 3202 | 100% |
Disaggregated by gender | 3202 | 3202 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by treatment status | 3202 | 3202 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by control status | 3202 | 3202 | 100% | |
Rural | Disaggregated by age | 2789 | 2789 | 100% |
Disaggregated by gender | 2789 | 2789 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by treatment status | 2789 | 2789 | 100% | |
Disaggregated by control status | 2789 | 2789 | 100% |
Indicator 8
Percentage of facilities that provide the % of cancer patients
Percentage of facilities that provide the % of cancer patients
Presence or Absence
Numerator: Number of facilities that able to provide:
– % or number of registered cancer patients disaggregated by Type of cancer
– % or number of registered cancer patients disaggregated by age
– % or number of registered cancer patients disaggregated by gender
– % or number of undertreatment among patients registered
– % or number of patients controlled among patients undertreatment
Denominator: Total number of facilities
- Facility survey
Raw Data
Numerator | Denumerator | Percent | ||
Total | Disaggregated by type of cancer | 755 | 5991 | 13% |
Disaggregated by age | 755 | 5991 | 13% | |
Disaggregated by gender | 755 | 5991 | 13% | |
Disaggregated by treatment status | 755 | 5991 | 13% | |
Disaggregated by control status | 473 | 5991 | 8% |
Indicator 9
Percentage of facilities that provide the % of patients with chronic respiratory diseases
Percentage of facilities that provide the % of patients with chronic respiratory diseases
Presence or Absence
Numerator: Number of facilities that able to provide:
– % or number of registered COPD patients disaggregated by Type of COPD
– % or number of registered COPD patients disaggregated by age
– % or number of registered COPD patients disaggregated by gender
– % or number of undertreatment among patients registered
– % or number of patients controlled among patients undertreatment
Denominator: Total number of facilities
- Facility survey
Raw Data
Numerator | Denumerator | Percent | ||
Total | Disaggregated by type of COPD | 356 | 5991 | 6% |
Disaggregated by age | 356 | 5991 | 6% | |
Disaggregated by gender | 356 | 5991 | 6% | |
Disaggregated by treatment status | 356 | 5991 | 6% | |
Disaggregated by control status | 74 | 5991 | 1% |
Indicator 10
% of NCD patients with regular follow-ups
% of NCD patients with regular follow-ups
Presence or Absence
Numerator: Number of NCD patients with regular follow up
Denominator: Total number of NCD patients
- No data
Indicator 11
Estimation of populations at risk identified through surveys
Estimation of populations at risk identified through surveys:
a. CVD risk
b. Pre- Diabetes
Presence or Absence
- Atlas of Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factors Surveillance in the Islamic Republic of Iran – STEPs 2016 [English– Persian]
- Zadnajafabad, S., Mohammadi, E., Aminorroaya, A. et al. Non-communicable diseases’ risk factors in Iran; a review of the present status and action plans. J Diabetes Metab Disord (2021).
Indicator 12
Register of NCD complications exist at PHC facility level
Register of NCD complications exist at PHC facility level
b.Hypoglycemic admission
c.renal failure
e.diabetic ulcer
Presence or Absence
Indicator 13
Assessment of availability and affordability of NCD medicines in the Public/Private sector
Assessment of availability and affordability of NCD medicines in Public/Private sector
Presence or Absence
- Heidari E; Varmaghani M; Abdollahiasl A. Availability, pricing, and affordability of selected medicines for noncommunicable diseases. East Mediterr Health J. 2019;25(7):473-480.