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Political Commitment and leadership adjustment to the population need
- (Operational) National multisectoral commission, agency, or mechanism to oversee NCD engagement, policy coherence, and accountability of sectors beyond health.
- A unit/branch/department in the ministry of health or equivalent with responsibility for NCDs and their risk factors
- At least one full-time technical or professional staff member dedicated to NCDs in a unit, branch, or department
Governance and Policy Frameworks
- Operational integrated multisectoral plan that includes integration of specific NCDs into PHC
- Establishment of a national mechanism to develop clinical guidelines and protocols for prevention and management of NCDs, based on evidence and WHO recommendations
Health Information
- Presence of a PHC facility-based patient record system which includes NCD status
- Existence of a facility-level information system that includes CVD risk assessment, Diabetes, and Hypertension care
- Presence of regular national adult NCD risk factor surveillance, conducting assessments every 3 to 5 years (STEPS or other)
- Existence of a PHC facility-level register for patients with RF/RHD
- Are the NCDs among the national list of notifiable diseases?
- Percentage of facilities that provide the % of HTN
- Percentage of facilities that provide the % of diabetic patients
- Percentage of facilities that provide the % of cancer patients
- Percentage of facilities that provide the % of patients with chronic respiratory diseases
- % of NCD patients with regular follow-ups
- Estimation of populations at risk identified through surveys
- Register of NCD complications exist at PHC facility level
- Assessment of availability and affordability of NCD medicines in the Public/Private sector
Health Financing
- % of Expenditure on Specific NCDs (CVDs, DM, COPD, and Cancers)
- % of out of pocket expenditure on NCDs
- Funding sources for NCDs
- Are NCD interventions integrated into the benefits package of PHC
Health Workforce
- The density of HWF for NCDs
- Existence of guidance on distribution of staff responsibility and/or task shifting for the management of NCDs at the primary health care level
- Existence of mechanism for continuing NCD-related professional development training for primary health care workers in the public and private sectors
Medicines and Health Products
- The essential list of Medicines for NCDs at the PHC level
- list of Essential NCD technologies including standard priority diagnostics and equipment
- % of PHC facilities with NCD EML correlated to a package of services delivered in PHC
- % PHC facilities with a list of Essential NCD technologies including standard priority diagnostics and equipment
- % of PHC facilities with functional essential technologies for early detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of NCDs are available (the public and private health sector)
- availability and affordability of NCD medicines in the public/private sector